Richard Utz

Students are our top priority.
Georgia Tech Strategic Plan
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein
The highest result of education is tolerance. Helen Keller
The art of teaching is knowing when to step back and let the student take the lead.
Anne Sullivan
Thank a Teacher letter, 2021, shared by Center for Teaching and Learning
Hi Dr. Utz! I just wanted to thank you for the effort and excitement you put into our LMC 2000 class every single day. Not only do I now know way more about the LMC degree program than I did before, but I am now even more excited for my future, and I have a better idea of the direction I am headed towards. Thank you for being so encouraging, kind, genuine, and understanding all semester long. I really enjoyed your class, and I hope I see you around campus next year!
Student comment, CIOS instrument, 2021
Dr. Utz is just so kind and caring. He truly cares about his students, and you can tell that he is passionate about LMC and wants you to get the most out of the degree program. He didnt just stand in the front of the classroom and look down on us; he opened up the floor for conversation and constructive criticism, and he saw and treated us as equals. I enjoyed when he walked around the classroom to connect with each one of us individually.
Thank a Teacher letter, 2023, shared by Center for Teaching and Learning
Thank you for making last semester so great! I really enjoyed having you as a professor. I feel like I learned so much beyond just the learning objectives for the course. Your enthusiastic approach to each lecture was always so contagious and never failed to match your dedication to excellence. From my "Why LMC" paper to my "Final Reflection" essay, I believe that taking LMC2000 with you was one of the best decisions I could have made! I remember telling my mom how excited I was to finally feel confident in my major choice after doing my research. I have NEVER cried after being done with ANY class at Georgia Tech! From the very first class, I could see how much you truly cared for your students' improvement in their communication, as well as their future careers.Your feedback and peer reviewing process for each assignment allowed me to see my own growth by the end. I have actually been meaning to write you this letter since the last day of class. Thank you for being so awesome!!!!
Thank a Teacher letter, 2020, shared by Center for Teaching and Learning
Hi Dr. Utz, I know I am a semester late on this, but I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for working so hard to provide an exciting and engaging class even in the midst of Covid. As a transfer student in my first semester at Georgia Tech, your class taught me so much about the degree. I learned so much about the professors in the degree and I was actually able to take classes with some of the ones that intrigued me this semester. I was always excited to come to your class and the assignments set me up really well for some of the LMC classes I took this semester. Thank you again for everything and I hope you are doing well!
Student comment, CIOS instrument, 2023
Professor Utz is seriously the best professor I have ever had. He made our coursework engaging and interesting. He engaged with his students and made sure to get to know each one of them to make each one feel valued and included. Typically, I wouldn't have an interest in Robin Hood, but Professor Utz made the unit very engaging and interesting. The lectures were clear and engaging as well. Rather than listening to a powerpoint, each lecture we had was more conversational and allowed for a lot of student feedback and inclusion.
Student comment, CIOS instrument, 2021
Professor Utz is by far my favorite professor at Tech because of his concern for students and the emphasis he places on learning in the classroom. He is so approachable and truly wants his students to succeed. I really appreciated his effort of forging relationships with his students and for his reassurance of being a support system for them. The career meetings he set up with each student demonstrates his commitment as a teacher, and it was very beneficial from a student perspective.
Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS)
Interpolated medians, out of 5.0, Fall 2023:
4.92 instructor overall effectiveness
4.92 communicated how to succeed
4.92 respect for students
4.92 inclusiveness
4.92 feedback helpfulness
4.92 availability
4.96 enthusiasm
Student Holiday Card, 2022
Thank you so much for a wonderful semester! I greatly appreciate your guidance. I hope to improve even more during my time at Georgia Tech. ... Thank you for reassuring me that I belong here!:)
Thank a Teacher letter, 2021, shared by Center for Teaching and Learning
This was an extremely difficult semester for me, and things certainly did not go as I hoped. However, you went above and beyond to do the most that you could to help and accommodate me and I am extremely grateful for that. I appreciate your genuine concern for my wellbeing and willingness to make sure I was never overwhelmed.