Richard Utz
Nostalgia and the German(ic) Past: The Medieval Poem of Walthere, by J. Ziolkowski, Neomedieval (invited)
Recontextualizing Medieval Heritage and Identity in Contemporary Austria, by A. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Arthuriana (invited)
Dernière visite chez le Roi Arthur. Histoire d’un premier livre, by M. Pastoureau, Arthuriana (invited)
Visualizing Camelot, by A. Lupack and B.T. Lupack, medievalists.net (2024)
Medievalism in Nineteenth-Century Belgium: The 1848 Monument to Godfrey of Bouillon, by S. John, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 31/1 (2024).
Why Study the Middle Ages?, by K.G. Tracy, Perspicuitas 8 Aug 2023.
Reading the Juggler of Notre Dame: Medieval Miracles and Modern Remakings, by J.M. Ziolkowski, The Medieval Review 17 May, 2023.
Dictionnaire due Moyen Âge Imaginaire. Le médiévalisme, hier et aujourd’hui, ed. A. Besson, W. Blanc, and V. Ferré, medievalists.net (2023).
Northern Memories and the English Middle Ages, by T.W. Machan; Anglo-Saxonism and the Idea of Englishness in Eighteenth-Century Britain, by D.F. Wood, Speculum: Journal of the Medieval Academy of America 97/2 (2022): 534-6.
Affective Medievalism: Love, Abjection and Discontent, ed. by T.A. Prendergast and S. Trigg, Speculum: Journal of the Medieval Academy of America 97/1 (2022): 241-2.
The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity, vols. V & VI, by J.M. Ziolkowski, The Medieval Review (2021).
The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity, vols. III & IV, by J.M. Ziolkowski, The Medieval Review (2021).
The Juggler of Notre Dame and the Medievalizing of Modernity, vols. I & II, by Jan M. Ziolkowski, The Medieval Review (2019).
Fragments for a History of a Vanishing Humanism, ed. M. Seaman and E.A. Joy, Speculum: Journal of the Medieval Academy of America 93/4 (2018): 1218-19.
Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media: Appropriating the Middle Ages in the Twenty-First Century, by A.B.R. Elliot, The Medieval Review (2018).
Manufacturing a Past for the Present: Forgery and Authenticity in Medievalist Texts and Objects in Nineteenth-Century Europe, ed. J.M. Bak and P.J. Geary, Speculum: Journal of the Medieval Academy of America 93/2 (2018): 470-71.
Medieval Science Fiction, ed. C. Kears and J. Paz, The Mediaeval Journal 7/2 (2017): 165-67.
Medieval Comics and the American Century, by C. Bishop, Arthuriana 27/2 (2017): 102-3.
La naissance de la médiévistique: Les historiens et leurs sources en Europe au Moyen Age (XIXe - début du XXe siècle), ed. I. Guyot-Bachy and J.-M. Moeglin, The Medieval Review (2016).
The Medieval Magazine, Vol. 2 No. 25 (September 20, 2016) Anniversary Issue: 8 Years of Medievalists.net, Medievally Speaking (2016).
Medievalism. A Critical History, by D. Matthews, Arthuriana 25/4 (2015): 118-19.
The Medieval Culture of Disputation, by A.J. Novikoff, American Historical Review 120 (2015): 1541-42.
Die Gegenwart des Mittelalters, by O.G. Oexle, Medievally Speaking (2015).
Renaissance Retrospections: Tudor Views of the Middle Ages, ed. S.A. Kelen, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 114.2 (2015): 303-5.
On the Trail of King Arthur: A Journey into Dark Age Scotland, by R. Crichton, Arthuriana 24/1 (2014): 141-3.
Early Modern Medievalisms. The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production, ed. A.C. Montoya, S. van Romburgh, and W. van Anjooij, Spenser Review 43 (2013).
Studying the History of Early English, by S. Horobin, Jena Electronic Studies in English Language and Literatures (2013).
Medievalisms. Making the Past in the Present, by T. Pugh & A.J. Weisl, The Medieval Review 2013.
Band of Sisters, Dir. M. Fishman, USA, 2012. Medievally Speaking (2012).
The Impetus of Amateur Scholarship. Discussing and Editing Medieval Romances in Late-Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Britain, by M. Santini, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 111:4 (2012), 543-5.
Creole Medievalism: Colonial France and Joseph Bédier's Middle Ages, by M. Warren, The Medieval Review (2012).
Zwischen Mythos und Geschichte. Ästhetik, Medialität und Kulturspezifik der Mittelalterkonjunktur, by S. Wodianka, Monatshefte 104 (2012), 265-6.
The Post-Historical Middle Ages, ed. E. Scala & S. Federico, Journal of English and Germanic Philology 110/4 (2011): 520-2.
Mapping Medievalism at the Canadian Frontier, ed. K. Brush, Medievally Speaking (2011) [online].
Die deutsche Griselda. Transformationen einer literarischen Figuration von Boccaccio bis zur Moderne, ed. A. Aurnhammer & H.-J. Schiewer, The Medieval Review (2011).
In Strange Countries: Middle English Literature and its Afterlife, ed. D. Matthews, The Review of English Studies (2011).
University of Strasbourg and the Foundation of Continental English Studies: A Contribution to a European History of English Studies, by R. Haas & A. Stamm, Prolepsis (2010).
Der Wald im Mittelalter: Funktion—Nutzung—Deutung, ed. E. Vavra (special edn. of Das Mittelalter, 13.2, 2008), Perspicuitas (2009).
The Nazi Appropriation of Shakespeare: Cultural Politics in the Third Reich, by R. Symington, Prolepsis (2007).
New Medieval Literatures, Vol. V, ed. D. Lawton, W. Scase, & R. Copeland, Anglia 123 (2005): 519-20.
An Outline History of English Literature, 2nd ed., by L. Sikorska, Prolepsis (2004).
“Deutsche Geisteswissenschaft” im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die “Aktion Ritterbusch” (1940-1945), 2nd ed., by F.-R. Hausmann,” Prolepsis (2004).
Oxford Dictionary of British Place Names, ed. A.D. Mills, Prolepsis (2004).
Writing New England. An Anthology from the Puritans to the Present, ed. A. Delbanco, Anglia 121 (2003): 682-4.
The Making of Middle English, 1765-1910, by D. Matthews, South Atlantic Review 66.1 (2002): 146-8.
European English Studies: Contributions towards the History of a Discipline, ed. B. Engler & R. Haas (2000), Prolepsis (2003).
The Invention of Middle English: An Anthology of Primary Sources, by D. Matthews, Perspicuitas (2001).
Der Gott der Wanderer. Bruce Chatwins postmoderne Reisebeschreibungen ‘In Patagonia’ und ‘The Songlines’, by J. Raithel, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 49.2 (2001): 193-4.
The Invention of Middle English: An Anthology of Primary Sources, by D. Matthews, South Atlantic Review 64.4 (2001): 131-4.
Chaucer A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work, by R. Rossignol, Prolepsis (2000).
Individuality and Achievement in Middle English Poetry, ed. O.S. Pickering, Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 237 (2000): 174-6.
Die Sprache Chaucers. Ein Lehrbuch des Mittelenglischen auf der Grundlage von Troilus and Criseyde, ed. W. Obst & F. Schleburg, The Medieval Review (2001).
Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde: A Poet’s Response to Ockhamism, by H.R. Andretta, The Medieval Review (1999).
Vernacular Literary Theory in the Middle Ages: The German Tradition, 800-1300, in its European Context, by W. Haug, Arthuriana 8.3 (1998): 105-7.
Chaucer’s Chain of Love, by P.B. Taylor, Studies in the Age of Chaucer 20 (1998): 334-6.
Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, ed. R.H. Bloch & S.G. Nichols, The Medieval Review (1998).
Bruce Chatwin. Anatomy of Restlessness. Selected Writings 1969-1989, ed. J. Borm & A. Graves,” Prolepsis (1997).
“Shakespeare in the Whole-Language Classroom: A Review of John Swope’s Shakespeare Teacher’s Activities Library,” Rev. of Ready-To-Use Activities for Teaching Romeo and Juliet; Julius Caesar; Hamlet; Much Ado About Nothing; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by J.W. Swope, Prolepsis (1997).
Lancelot, ed. Michelle Séguy, Arthuriana 7.4 (1997): 134-6.
Signes and Sothe: Language in the ‘Piers Plowman’ Tradition, by H. Barr, Anglia 115 (1997): 394-6.
Culture and the King: The Social Implications of the Arthurian Legend. Essays in Honor of Valerie Lagorio, ed. M.B. Shichtman & J.P. Carley, Anglia 115 (1997): 400-2.
Medieval Arthurian Literature: A Guide to Recent Research, by N.J. Lacy, Arthuriana 7.1 (1997): 140-2.
Medievalism and the Modernist Temper, ed. R.H. Bloch & S.G. Nichols, Arthuriana 7.1 (1997): 159-60.
William of Ockham: A Letter to the Friars Minor and Other Writings, ed. & trans. J. Kilcullen, Christianity and Literature 45 (1996): 414-5.
Tudor & Stuart Women, by L. Schleiner, and of Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth-Century Lives, by N.Z. Davis, North American Review 281.5 (1996): 45-8.
Fiktionalität im Artusroman, ed. V. Mertens, et al., Arthuriana 6 (1996): 122-3.
Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages, by H.A. Kelly, Philosophy and Literature 20 (1996): 253-6.
Chaucer’s ‘Boece’ and the Medieval Tradition of Boethius, ed. A. Minnis, Anglia 114 (1996): 112-4.
Chaucer’s ‘House of Fame’. The Poetics of Skeptical Fideism, by S. Delany, Carmina Philosophiae 3 (1994): 87-90.
Geoffrey Chaucer: Building the Fragments of the ‘Canterbury Tales’, by J. Mandel, Anglia 113 (1995): 251-4.
The Matter of Scotland: Historical Narrative in Medieval Scotland, by R.J. Goldstein, Arthuriana 4.3 (1994): 285-8.
Chaucer and Medieval Preaching: Rhetoric for Listeners in Sermons and Poetry, by S. Volk-Birke, Anglia 112 (1994): 203-6.
Politik und Liebe in der Literatur des englischen Spätmittelalters am Beispiel von Thomas Malorys Morte Darthur, by C. Houswitschka, Arthuriana 4.2 (1995): 202-4.
John Gower’s Poetic: the Search for a New Arion, by R.F. Yeager, Anglia 111 (1993): 212-6.
“Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt...” - Das Bild des Menschen in Europas Sprachen, by M. Wandruszka, Fremdsprachenunterricht 45.7 (Oct. 1992): 414.
The Squire’s Tale, Vol. 2, pt. 12, of A Variorum Edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, ed. D.C. Baker, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 14 (1991): 162-5 (with K.H. Göller).
“Sage als Sozialkritik.” Der Schmied von Mitterteich: Eine Epische Dichtung in Zwanzig Gesängen, by M. Schmidtler, ed. M. Knedlik, Literatur in Bayern, 23 (1991): 55.