Richard Utz
Plenaries & Keynotes
"The Language to End All Multilingualism: From Ogden's Basic English to Wikipedia's Simple English." Multilingualism: A Multimodal World Englishes Symposium, Georgia Tech, 2023.
"Our Daily Middle Ages," Moyen Âges d’en haut et d’en bas: perméabilités, interactions et débats entrerecherche académique et cultures populaires," International Summer School, U of Grenoble, France & U of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022.
"Wem gehört das Mittelalter? Vergangenheit im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesellschaft und Universität" Conference on Reflektiertes Mittelalter, Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Study, U of Greifswald, Germany, 2022.
"Medievalism is a Virus." Global Medievalisms, U Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil 2021.
"The Return to Medievalism and the Future of Medieval Studies," Anglistentag 2016, U of Hamburg, Germany, 2016.
"Men, Empire, Writing: Kipling's Medieval Imagination," 31st Intl. Conference on Medievalism, U of Bamberg, Germany, 2016.
"The Notion of the Middle Ages: Our Middle Ages, Our Selves," 50th (Anniversary) Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, W Michigan U, 2015.
"Beyond Sherwood Forest: Robin Hood Goes Global," Heroes of the Past in the Present. Formations of European Identities through Literature in the Post-Medieval World, U of Bamberg, Germany, 2015.
"Medievalism and Medieval Romances," Intl. Conference of the Medieval & Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea, Ewha Womans [sic] U, Seoul, South Korea, 2010.
“The Colony Writes Back: F.N. Robinson’s The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Translatio of Chaucer Studies to the United States," 25th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, U of Groningen, Netherlands, 2010.
"'There are Places We Remember': Situating the Medieval in Post-Medieval Cultural Memories," 20th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Towson U, 2005.
"Medievalism and the National Temper: Comparative Deliberations on Philology, Mediävalismus, and Mittelalterrezeption in Germany and North America," 12th Intern. General Conference on Medievalism, Canterbury Christ Church College, UK, 1997.
“The Future of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” 2nd Conference of the Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Arizona State U, Feb. 1996. [plenary panel]
“Literary Nominalism in Late-Medieval England: A Preliminary Paradigm,” 4th Conference of the Intl. Society for the Study of European Ideas, U of Graz, Austria, 1994.
Conference papers
“Innovative Teaching Methods in Liberal Arts: From Flipped Classrooms to Experiential Learning.” Liberal Arts Summit 2024/Times Higher Education, Nashville, 2024.
“Re-Creating Camelot? Community-Building in Arthurian Studies.” Roundtable. 59th Intl. Conf. on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2024.
“Malevolent Memories? Anti-Semitic Medievalisms in Germany.” Engineering Imperial Memories. Symposium, Institute for Advanced Study, U of Strasbourg, France, 2024.
"Bavaria's Robin Hood," Biennual Meeting of the Intl. Robin Hood Association, Richmond American International U & U of Hull, UK, 2021.
"Global Robins, Global Greenwoods," 56th Intl. Conf. on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2021.
"The Slow Medievalist? Outrage Culture, Medieval Reception, and the Reality of Academic Work," Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association Annual Conference, U of North Carolina Greensboro, 2019.
“Maverick Medievalism,” 54th Intl. Conf. on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2019.
“Loving the Middle Ages in a Flat World,” The Future of Medieval Studies Symposium, U of Leeds, UK, 2018.
"Juggling the Middle Ages," 53rd Intl. Conf. on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2018.
"New Medievalism as a Global Conversation: Russia, Europe and the U.S.," 48th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Washington DC, 2016.
"Tracing Residual Medievalisms," Trace(s): Conference of the DFG Research Center "Episteme in Motion," U of Berlin, 2016.
"Medieval Heritage and Nazi Rituals: Historical Pageants in the Upper Palatinate," 51st Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2016.
"Here, There, Everywhere: Mapping Residual Medievalisms," 30th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Washington & Jefferson College, 2015.
"Medievalism's Nationality," 29th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Georgia Tech, 2014.
"Medievalism's Lexicon," 49th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2014.
"Rhetoric as a New Paradigm for English Studies," Annual Mtg. of the Modern Language Association of America, Chicago, 2014. (roundtable)
"Can We Talk About Religion, Please? Medievalism’s Exclusion of Religion and Why It Matters," 28th Annual Intl. Conference on Medievalism, St. Norbert College, 2013.
"Quiet No More: Women Religious in Contemporary North America and Medieval Europe," 27th Annual Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Kent State U, 2012.
"Medievalism and the Corporate," 27th Annual Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Kent State U, 2012. (round table)
“Robin Hood, Frenched,” 26th Annual Intl. Conference on Medievalism, U of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 2011.
“Medievalism and Medieval Romances,” Intl. Conference of the Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea (MEMESAK), Ewha Womans U, Seoul, South Korea, 2010. [plenary]
“The Colony Writes Back: F.N. Robinson’s The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Translatio of Chaucer Studies to the United States,” 25th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, U of Groningen, Netherlands, 2010. [plenary]
“Them Philologists: Philological Practices and Their Discontents from Nietzsche to Cerquiglini,” 45th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2010.
“Ritus et Artes: Temporality and the Heritage of Medieval Rituals,” 5th Conference on the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals, U of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009.
“Pi[o]us Medievalism vs. Catholic Modernism: The Case of George Tyrell,” 24th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Siena College, NY, 2009.
“On the Wings of Philology: Ewald Flügel in the Wild West,” 44th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2009.
“‘And here’s to you F.N. Robinson:’ Historical Language and Literature Study at the Crossroads,” 43rd Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2008.
“Englische Philologie vs. English Studies: A Foundational Conflict,” Das Potential Europäischer Philologien: Geschichte, Potential, Funktion, U of Osnabrück, Germany,2007.
“The Colony Writes Back: Chaucer’s Translatio to the United States,” 21st Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Ohio State U, 2006.
“Cloaks of Invisibility: The Status of Arthurian Studies in the Academy,” Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, Washington, DC, 2005.
“‘There are Places We Remember’: Situating the Medieval in Post-Medieval Cultural Memories,” 20th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Towson U, 2005 [plenary]
“The Making of Medievalism,” 19th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, U of New Brunswick, Canada, 2004.
“Textual Work in Chaucer,” 14th Intl. Congress of the New Chaucer Society, U of Glasgow, UK, 2004.
“In Love with Words: Middle English Wortphilologie in late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Germany,” 38th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2003.
“Remembering Ritual Murder: Memory, Identity, and Genre in the ‘blood accusations’ from Hugh of Lincoln to Andreas of Rinn,” 1st Intl. Conference on the History of Ritual, Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals, U of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002.
“‘When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth’: Medieval English Philology in Nineteenth-Century Germany,” 37th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2002.
“Translationes Imperii: Swan Songs, Adaptations, and New Beginnings in Third-Reich Chaucer Philology,” Anglistentag 2001, U of Vienna, Austria, 2001.
“Old Philology in the New World: Ewald Flügel’s Medievalist Exile,” 36th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2001.
“Editing Chaucer: John Koch and the Forgotten Tradition,” 15th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Hope College, 2000.
“Philology and National Identity: German Chaucerians and the Challenge of F.J. Furnivall,” 12th Intl. Congress of the New Chaucer Society, London, 2000.
“Philological Eyes: F.J. Furnivall and English Medieval Studies in Germany.” 14th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, Montana State U, 1999.
“Chaucer and the Discourse of German Philology,” 6th Intl. Medieval Congress, U of Leeds, UK, 1999.
“The Medieval Cathedral: From Spiritual Site to National Super-Signifier,” 34th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1999.
“Medieval English Studies in Germany: Recent Perspectives,” Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, San Francisco, 1998.
“Gendered tyme in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales,” 11th Intl. Congress of the New Chaucer Society, U of Paris (Sorbonne), France, 1998.
“Medievalism as Anti-Semitism: The Myth of Jewish Ritual Murder from Chaucer’s ‘Prioress’s Tale’ to Malamud’s The Fixer,” 13th General Conference on Medievalism, SUNY Geneseo & Wells College, 1998.
“Medievalism and the National Temper: Comparative Deliberations on Philology, Mediävalismus, and Mittelalterrezeption in Germany and North America,” 12th Intern. General Conference on Medievalism, Canterbury Christ Church College, UK, 1997. [plenary]
“Bernhard Ten Brink, or How to Be Neither a New nor an Old Philologist?” 32nd Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1997.
“Foundational Myths: The Interplay of Ideology and Philology in German Chaucer Criticism: 1914-1945,” 10th Intl. Congress of the New Chaucer Society, UCLA, 1996.
“The Future of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” 2nd Conference of the Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Arizona State U, 1996. [plenary panel]
“Recalcitrance to Medievalism: Philology and the German Middle Ages,” 2nd Conference of the Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Arizona State U, 1996.
“Contesting the Critical Site: Philology, Mittelalterrezeption, and Mediävalismus in Germany,” Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, Chicago, IL, 1995.
“Literary Criticism and the Nation: The ‘Nationalpsychologische Methode’ in German Anglistics. 1924-1955,” “Colloque Intl.: L’Europe des politesses et le caractère des nations,” Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures Modernes et Contemporaines, U Blaise Pascal [Clermont-Ferrand], Paris, France (Senate of the French Republic), 1995.
“Late Medieval or Early Modern: Fourteenth-Century English Literature, Nominalism, and Periodization,” 1st Congress of the Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Arizona State U, 1995.
“‘Blessed was our first age and morning time’: Maleness and Imperialism in Kipling’s Medievalism,” 9th General Conference on Medievalism, Montana State U, 1994.
“Literary Nominalism in Late-Medieval England: A Preliminary Paradigm,” 4th Conference of the Intl. Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), entitled “The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms,” 1994, U of Graz, Austria.
“Re-Reading the Late Middle Ages: Nominalism and Fourteenth-Century Texts,” 1st Intl. Medieval Congress, U of Leeds, UK, 1994.
“Inventing German(ic) Chaucer: The Political Background of Linguistic Analysis in Will Héraucourt’s Die Wertwelt Chaucers(1939),” 29th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1994.
“Chaucer as Reader of Bradwardine?” 35th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Minneapolis, 1993.
“Skelton, Chaucer, and the Question of Allegory,” 28th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1993
“Medieval Philosophy into Modern Poetics: Alfred Andersch’s Literary Nominalism,” 7th General Conference on Medievalism, U of South Florida, 1992.
“‘Reflecting Love at Quite Its Natural Size’: Doris Dörrie as a Writer,” 6th Hollins Colloquium on German Film, Hollins College, 1992.
“Realism and Nominalism as Late Medieval Mentalities,” 26th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1991.
“Boethius Transformed: Realism and Nominalism in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde,” 25th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1990.
Invited speeches, workshops, roundtables
“Demystifying Tech: Faculty Retention.” Georgia Institute of Technology, NSF ADVANCE Professors, 2024.
"GT to DC: A conversation with campus leadership." Washington, DC, Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2024
"Practicing Medievalism." Michigan Technological University, March, 2024.
"Essentials of Chairing" & “External Review Letters: Curating the Best P&T Outcomes.” Faculty Affairs Professional Development Workshops, Augusta U, Jan, 2024.
"Medieval Memories in a Modern City: The Case of Atlanta," Georgia Tech Silverjackets, Georgia Institute of Technology, Sept. 2022.
"Medieval Studies and Medievalism in a globalized academic world, a comparative survey of Italy, France, Switzerland and the US," (roundtable with: L. Di Filippo, E. Doudet & F. Fonio), Moyen Âges d’en haut et d’en bas: perméabilités, interactions et débats entrerecherche académique et cultures populaires" International Summer School, U of Grenoble, France & U of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2022.
"[Neo]Medievalismo e [Trans]Mídia," presentation and workshop for Grupo de Estudos em História Medieval da Unimontes (GEHM), Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Unimontes, Brazil, 2020.
"What About Those Middle Ages?" Phi Alpha Theta Lecture, Reinhardt U, 2019.
""Survival of the Fittest: The Afterlives of Beowulf and the Wife of Bath," Branton Memorial Lecture, Washington & Jefferson College, Spring 2019.
"The Politics of the Past: Democratic Practices and Populist Challenges," Intercampus seminar “Practices of Democracy”, Atlanta Global Studies Center: Georgia Tech, Emory U, Georgia Gwinnett Coll., Agnes Scott Coll., 2018.
"What, in the World, is Medievalism," Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Harvard University, Washington, DC, 2018.
"Communication across the Disciplines: Humanistic Perspectives in a Technological World," UVP Reinvention Collaborative, Annual Conference, Georgia Tech, 2017.
"The Goths Invade the Academy: A Short History of Medievalism Studies," School of Modern Languages Faculty Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 2013.
“Opening Remarks,” Tech Gets Medieval Symposium, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 2012. VIDEO
“Medieval Kalamazoo,” Art Scholars lecture series, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, MI, 2012.
“The Colony Writes Back: F.N. Robinson’s Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Translatio of Chaucer Studies to the United States,” Seminar for graduate students and faculty from Ewha Womans U, Seoul National U, Sogang U, and Yonsei U, Seoul, South Korea, 2010.
“Medievalism,” Workshop for the Centre for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Ritual, U of Copenhagen / Danish Natl. Science Foundation, 2005.
“Hic iacet Arthurus? Situating the Medieval King in Renaissance Memory,” FU Berlin, Germany, 2005.
“Philology’s Man in Palo Alto: Ewald Flügel’s Chaucerian Mission,” U of Munich, Germany, 2004.
“Philology’s Man in Palo Alto: Ewald Flügel’s Chaucerian Mission,” Dept. of English Lecture Series, Georgia State U, 2003.
“Introduction: Micheal Crichton, Timeline (1999), Anglistisches Literaturgespräch, U of Regensburg / German-American Institute, Regensburg, 2002.
“Gender and Time in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales,” Public Lecture for the Current Research on Women (CROW) Forum, Womens Studies Program, U of Northern Iowa, 1999.
“Introduction to: Barry Unsworth, Morality Play (1995),” Anglistisches Literaturgespräch, U of Regensburg / German-American Institute, Regensburg, 1997.
“Are Dictionaries Sexist? Lexicography and Gender-Neutrality in Three Modern Dictionaries of English,” Public Lecture for the Current Research on Women (CROW) Forum, Womens Studies Program, U of Northern Iowa, 1994.
“Introduction to: Christopher Nolan, Under the Eye of the Clock (1987),” Anglistisches Literaturgespräch, U of Regensburg / German-American Institute, Regensburg, 1992.
“Teaching English in East Germany,” Wissenschaftliches Wochenende, Inst. für Anglistik, U of Regensburg, 1991.
“Der Konflikt von Willensfreiheit und Determinismus bei Geoffrey Chaucer,” Wissenschaftliches Wochenende, Inst. für Anglistik, U of Regensburg, 1990.
“Introduction to: Bruce Chatwin, Utz (1988),” Anglistisches Literaturgespräch, U of Regensburg / German-American Institute, 1990.
Conferences organized
Humanizing STEM, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2024.
Annual Meeting of the Georgia Medievalist Group, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2024
Teaching the Middle Ages and Renaissance to STEM Students, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023
Humanizing STEMM for the Twenty-First Century, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2023
Global Medievalisms, 34th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
Humanistic Perspectives at Technological Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
Annual Meeting of the Georgia Medievalist Group, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018.
Medievalisms on the Move, 29th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014.
Postmodern Medievalisms, 17th Intl. General Conference on Medievalism, U of Northern Iowa, 2002.
Conference sections organized/chaired/responded
“X-Positive Heuristics for Liberating O'Connor Criticism,” chaired at Flannery O’Connor’s Second Century: Looking Forward, Looking Back, Georgia College & State U, 2024.
“Medieval Worlds of Paper and Parchment,” chaired at Meeting of the Georgia Medieval Group, Georgia Tech, 2024.
“Sanitation, Disease, and History, chaired at Meeting of the Georgia Medieval Group, Georgia Tech, 2024.
"Medievalism and Anti-Semitism," scheduled for 56th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2021.
"Medievalism: A Manifesto (A Panel Discussion)," respondent, at 53rd Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2018.
"Knights Errant & Private Dicks: From Romance to Noir," respondent at 51 Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2015.
"Can It Really Be Thirty Years? The Past and Future of Medievalism Conferences," chaired at 30th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Washington & Jefferson College, 2015.
“Medievalism and Visual Culture,” chaired at 30th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Washington & Jefferson College, 2015.
"Queering Medievalisms: A Response to Richard Utz's Keynote Presentation at the 50th Annual International Congress on Medieval Studies," respondent at 30th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Washington & Jefferson College, 2015.
"Medieval Atlanta," organized for and chaired at the 29th Intl. Conference on Medievalism, 2014.
"Journeys of Diverse Faiths and Medievalism,"chaired at the 27th Annual Intl. Conference on Medievalism, Kent State U, 2012.
“Nineteenth-Century Medievalisms,” organized for the 46th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2011.
“Makers of the Middle Ages: Papers in Honor of William Calin,” organized for the 46th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2011.
“Teaching Medievalisms,” organized for the 46th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2011.
“Medievalism in Music and the Fine Arts,” organized for the 45th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2010.
“Remembering the Middle Ages: Medievalism and Memory,” organized for the 45th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2010.
“Papers in Memory of Karl Heinz Göller,” organized for and chaired at the 45th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2010.
“Mediations,” organized for the 125th Meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, Philadelphia, 2009.
“What, in the World, is Medievalism: Global Reinventions of the Middle Ages,” roundtable discussion organized for and chaired at the 44th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2008.
“Religious Medievalisms,” organized for and chaired at the 44th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2008.
“Expatriate Medievalisms,” organized for the 44th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2008.
“Does Medievalism Have a Sense of Humor?,” 19th Intl. Congress on Medievalism, U of New Brunswick, Canada, 2005.
“The Middle Ages View Themselves,” 38th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2003.
“Making the Middle Ages: Nineteenth-Century Medievalisms,” 37th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 2002.
“Chaucerian Philosophies: ‘Nominalist’ vs. ‘Realist’ Readings,” 12th Intl. Congress of the New Chaucer Society, U of London, UK, 2000.
“Exploring the Works of Bruce Chatwin: Reception, Responses, and Genre,” 41st Meeting of the Modern Language Association of the Midwest, Minneapolis,1999.
“Frontiers of Literary Nonfiction: Pearl Buck, Bruce Chatwin, and the Prose-Poem as Fictive Memoir,” 41st Meeting of the Modern Language Association of the Midwest, Minneapolis, 1999.
“Makers of the Middle Ages: The Age of Scott (Nationalism),” 34th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, May 1999.
“Thomas Bradwardine: Philosophy and Literature in the Late Middle Ages,” 31st Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1996.
“Robert Holcot: The Medieval Reception,” 30th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1995.
“Chaucer -- Influences and Transmission,” 1st Intl. Medieval Congress, U of Leeds, UK, 1994.
“Nominalism and Medieval Literature: A Reappraisal,” 29th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1994.
“Literary Patronage in the Late Middle Ages,” 28th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1993.
“Boethius: His Significance in Various Disciplines,” Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Midwest and South, Iowa City, 1993.
“Chaucer in the 90’s,” Iowa Student as Critic Conference, U of Northern Iowa, 1993.
“John Skelton: The Medieval and Classical Heritage,” 27th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1992.
“Love and Politics in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century English Literature,” 27th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1992.
“The Realist/Nominalist Debate in the Fourteenth Century,” 26th Intl. Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan U, 1991.