Vox medii aevi recently published an entire issue on Medievalism Studies and the Perception of the Middle Ages: http://voxmediiaevi.com/2019-2
The issue includes my English introduction, its translation into Russian along with a translation of “What’s Love Got to Do with It? Our Middle Ages, Ourselves” (originally published as chapter 1 of my 2017 essai, Medievalism: A Manifesto). Utz R. Medievalism: Whence and Whither? [Digital Resource]. In: Vox medii aevi. 2019. Vol. 2(5). P. 48–51. URL: http://voxmediiaevi.com/2019-2-utz-1
Утц Р. Медиевализм: откуда и куда? [Digital Resource] [Utz R. Medievalism: Whence and Whither?]. In: Vox medii aevi. 2019. Vol. 2(5). P. 52–55. URL: http://voxmediiaevi.com/2019-2-utz-2
Утц Р. При чем здесь любовь? Наши Средние века — это мы сами [Digital Resource] [Utz R. What’s Love Got to Do with It? Our Middle Ages, Ourselves]. In: Vox medii aevi. 2019. Vol. 2(5). С. 56–72. URL: http://voxmediiaevi.com/2019-2-utz-3 http://voxmediiaevi.com/