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Prolepsis Review of English Studies

Between 1997 and 2001, Prolepsis: The Heidelberg Review of English Studies (ed. JP Schnierer, T Rommel, and R. Utz) offered scholars the opportunity to engage critically with academic and creative publications. Here is the full list with links for access:

14/01 François Specq, Laura Dassow Walls, and Michel Granger, eds. Thoreauvian Modernities, Transatlantic Conversations on an American Icon. Iuliu Ratiu

12/01 Lara Feigel and Alexandra Harris, eds. Modernism on Sea: Art and Culture at the British Seaside. Todd Kuchta

10/07 Renate Haas and Albert Hamm, The University of Strasbourg and the Foundation of Continental English Studies. A Contribution to an European History of English Studies. Richard Utz

10/06 The Consolation of Queen Elizabeth I: The Queen's Translation of Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae. Eds. Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr. and Philip Edward Phillips Adrienne A. Redding

09/01 Kim Donehower, Charlotte Hogg, and Eileen E. Schell, Rural Literacies. Karen S. Vocke

07/03 Karen Vocke, “Where do I go from here?” Meeting the unique educational needs of migrant students. Joyce Milambiling

07/02 Rodney Symington, The Nazi Appropriation of Shakespeare. Cultural Politics in the Third Reich. Richard Utz

07/01 Jerome Klinkowitz, You've Got to Be Carefully Taught: Learning and Relearning Literature. Pierre-Damien Mvuyekure

06/03 Pamela Allen Brown and Peter Parolin (eds.), Women Players in England, 1500-1660. Beyond the All-Male Stage. Heike Grundmann

06/02 Christopher Cannon, The Grounds of English Literature. Andrew James Johnston

06/01 Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit, Occidentalism – A short History of Anti-Westernism. Ute Manecke

05/01 Daphne Patai/Will H. Corral (Ed.), Theory's Empire. Susanne Puissant

04/4 Liliana Sikorska, An Outline History of English Literature. Richard Utz

04/3 Frank-Rutger Hausmann, 'Deutsche Geisteswissenschaft' im Zweiten Weltkrieg – Die 'Aktion Ritterbusch' (1940-1945). Richard Utz

04/2 Michael Alexander, A History of Old English Literature. Gwendolyn Morgan

04/1 A.D. Mills, A Dictionary of British Place Names. Richard Utz

03/6 Pamela Allen Brown, Better a Shrew than a Sheep: Women, Drama, and the Culture of Jest in Early Modern England. Donnalee Dox

03/5 Andrew Delbanco, ed., Writing New England: An Anthology from the Puritans to the Present. Anne G. Myles

03/4 Hannah Jacobmeyer, Märchen und Romanzen in der zeitgenössischen englischen Literatur. Mark Schreiber

03/3 Balz Engler and Renate Haas, ed. European English Studies: Contributions towards the History of the Discipline. Richard Utz

03/2 Nicholas Frankel, Oscar Wilde’s Decorated Books. Samuel Lyndon Gladden

03/1 David Matthews, The Making of Middle English, 1765-1910. Julian Wasserman

02/1 Stephanie Trigg, Congenial Souls: Reading Chaucer from Medieval to Postmodern. J. Stephen Russell

01/6 James Gallant, ed. The Year’s Work in Medievalism: 1995, Vol. X (1999). Stephanie Trigg

01/5 Max Saunders, Ford Madox Ford, A Dual Life. Giovanni Cianci

01/4 Eugene Goodheart, Does Literary Studies Have a Future? Scott Cawelti

01/3 Peter C. Herman, ed. Day Late, Dollar Short: The Next Generation and the New Academy. Risa P. Gorelick

01/2 Kershner, R.B., Twentieth-Century Novel: An Introduction. Grace Ann Hovet

01/1 John Paul Riquelme, ed. Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Samuel Lyndon Gladden

00/10 Lois Potter, ed., Playing Robin Hood: The Legend as Performance in Five Centuries. William Fitzhenry

00/9 Margaret Norris, ed. A Companion to James Joyce's Ulysses: Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Franz Meier

00/8 Krystyna Kujawinska-Courtney and Ryszard M. Machnikowski, eds.. Liberalism Yesterday and Today. Zygmunt Mazur

00/7 Claudia Sternberg, Written for the Screen. The American Motion-Picture Screenplay as Text. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997. Eckart Voigts-Virchow

00/6 Rosalyn Rossignol. Chaucer A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Works. New York: Facts on File, 1999. Richard J. Utz

00/5 Susanne Schmid, Byron - Shelley - Keats. Ein biographisches Lesebuch. München: DTV, 1999. Thomas Rommel

00/4 R.W. McConchie, Lexicography and Physicke: The Record of Sixteenth-Century English Medical Terminology. Oxford Studies in Lexicography and Lexicology.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Louise M. Bishop

00/3 Marcus Walsh, Shakespeare, Milton, and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: The Beginnings of Interpretive Scholarship. Jesse G. Swan

00/2 Wolfgang Cilleßen, ed. Krieg der Bilder: Druckgraphik als Medium politischer Auseinandersetzung im Europa des Absolutismus. Exhibition catalogue. Thomas W. Rieger

00/1 Richard Utz and Tom Shippey, eds. Medievalism in the Modern World: Essays in Honour of Leslie Workman. Louise D'Arcens

99/8 Sebastian Bott, 'Friends and lovers of virtue': Tugendethische Handlungsorientierungen im Kontext der Schottischen Aufklärung 1750-1800. Stefanie Lethbridge

99/7 Antony Rowland, Emma Liggins, Eriks Uskalis eds. Signs of Masculinity: Men in Literature 1700 to the Present. Calvin Thomas

99/6 Michael Raab, Erfahrungsräume: Das englische Drama der neunziger Jahre. Peter Paul Schnierer

99/5 Alcuin Blamires, The Case for Women in Medieval Culture. Bonnie Wheeler

99/4 Walter F. Greiner, Fritz Kemmler. Realismustheorien in England (1692-1919). Texte zur historischen Dimension der englischen Realismusdebatte. Wolfgang G. Müller

99/3 David Bindman. Hogarth and his Times: Serious Comedy. Thomas W. Rieger

99/2 Helen Ruth Andretta. Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde": A Poet's Response to Ockhamism. John Micheal Crafton

99/1 Hugo Keiper, Christoph Bode, and Richard J. Utz, eds. Nominalism and Literary Discourse. David Metzger

98/9 Carol Poster and Richard J. Utz eds. The Late Medieval Epistle (= Disputatio 1). José María Gutiérrez Arranz and Ricardo J. Sola Buil

98/8 Herbert Eiden, "In der Knechtschaft werdet ihr verharren ...": Ursachen und Verlauf des englischen Bauernaufstandes von 1381. Grover C. Furr

98/7 Heinz-Gerd Schmitz. Das Mandeville-Dilemma. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Politik und Moral. Thomas Rommel

98/6 Calvin Thomas. Male Matters: Masculinity, Anxiety, and the Male Body on the Line. Mark Osteen

98/5 Michael Rewa. The Year's Work in Medievalism 1991. Richard H. Osberg

98/4 Carol Poster and Richard J. Utz eds. Constructions of Time in the Late Middle Ages (= Disputatio2). Sigmund Eisner

98/3 Michèle Cohen. Fashioning Masculinity: National Identity and Language in the Eighteenth Century. Stephen H. Gregg

98/2 Carolyn Hares-Stryker ed. An Anthology of Pre-Raphaelite Writings. Leslie J. Workman

98/1 Margarita Giménez Bon and Vickie Olsen eds. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature.Bernardo Santano Moreno

97/3 Jan Borm and Matthew Graves eds. Bruce Chatwin: Anatomy of Restlessness. Selected Writings 1969-1989. Richard J. Utz

97/2 Sandra Sherman. Finance and Fictionality in the Early Eighteenth Century. Accounting for Defoe. Thomas Rommel

97/1 John Swope. Ready-To-Use Activities for Teaching Romeo and Juliet; Julius Caesar; Hamlet; Much Ado About Nothing; A Midsummer Night's Dream. Richard J. Utz



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