The Biennial Conference of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies
Date: 4-5 December 2021.
Medium: VIRTUAL (Zoom link)

In response to the extraordinary events of 2020 and the continuance of a really difficult situation into 2021, this year’s conference will be an online event. It will be co-hosted by If you would like to attend (via Zoom) please register by contacting the co-hosts: Dr. Lesley Coote FHEA, ( and Dr. Stephen Basdeo, FHEA, ( They will provide a link closer to the conference date. In the tradition of Robin Hood himself, and of other ‘Robin Hoods’, the conference will be a free event, with no charge for registration.
Programme: (Please note that timings are given as Greenwich Mean Time [GMT - London], and will need to be adjusted for other time zones)
Day One - Saturday December 4th
Welcome and Opening:
15.00 - 15.30 (10.00am EST)
Stephen Basdeo
Victorian Robin Hood Conferences and the Beginnings of Academic Scholarship
Session One: Medieval Robin Hoods
16.00 - 17.30
Moderator: Helen Phillips
Jason Hogue
Greenwood as Ecotopia: Stirrings of Utopia in the Medieval Robin Hood Ballads
William Hoff
“God graunt that he be true to mayntene hym in his right”: speculation on the instructional content of medieval Robin Hood media
Michael Hughes
"A New Theory of Robyn Hude''
17.30 - 18.00 break
Session Two: Medieval and Early Modern Robin Hoods
18.00 - 19.30
Moderator: Lorraine K. Stock
Benjamin Hoover: “‘This knyghtys clothis wolle I were’: Dress and Estate Permeability in the late-Medieval Robin Hood Texts”
Adam Christ: Emotional and religious outlaws in Tudor interludes
Mark Truesdale: Death in Arcadia: Anthony Munday’s Troubled Forest
19.30 - 20.30 break
Session Three (a): Other Robin Hoods I
20.30 - 22.00
Moderator: Valerie B. Johnson
Richard Utz: Bavaria’s Robin Hood
Kamil Wrzeszcz: Slavic Robin Hood: About Janosik based on a series of comic books by Tadeusz Kwiatkowski and Jerzy Skaržyski
Anna Czarnowus and Joanna Mleczko: The Sleepers Under the Mountains as Outlaws in the Nineteenth-Century Bulgarian and Polish Tradition
22.00 - 22.30 break
Session Four: ‘Modern’ Interpretations of Robin Hood I
22.30 - 24.00
Moderator: Renée Ward
Stefanie Matabang: Born in a Hood: Framing the Political Ascent of Actor Robin Padilla within the Medievalisms of the Philippine Election Formula
Luiz Felipe Anchieta Guerra: Robin Lula and his merry commies: political medievalism in 21st century Brazil
Sabina Rahman: Fifty Shades of Lincoln Green
Close of Day One
Day Two: Sunday December 5th
Session Five: ‘Other’ Robin Hoods II
14.00 - 15.30
Moderator: Linda Troost
Melissa Ridley Elmes: “Acts of Exile, Acts of Hospitality: Towards an Ethics of Inclusion in the Lai of Emare”
Gillian Spraggs: An Outlaw Legend in the Hebrew Scriptures
Whitney A. Snow: “Alabama’s Robin Hood”? Myths Surrounding Outlaw Rube Burrow
15.30 - 16.00 break
Session Six: Modern Interpretations of Robin Hood II
16.00 - 17.30
Moderator: Michael Torregrossa
Sherron Lux: Musical Arrows: The 1938 Adventures of Robin Hood and Its Music
Lorraine K. Stock: Richard I and Robin Hood at the Siege of Châlus: Historicity and Homosocial Relations in Robin and Marian (1976) and Robin Hood (2010)
Alexander L. Kaufman: “Robin Hood in Rochester, NY, Christmas 1959: Ross Talarico’s Sled Run (2012)”
17.30 - 18.30 break
Session Seven: Robin Hood and Other Twenty-first Century Media
18.30 - 20.00
Moderator: Thomas Rowland
Michael Torregrossa: Seeking Sherwood: Tools and Resources for Finding and Locating Comics Based on the Robin Hood Tradition for the Classroom and Research
Jonathan Bishop: Teaching about Religious War and Fighting using LEGO(R) Robin Hood: A Position Paper for Affective Play
Valerie B. Johnson: Rhetorical Outlaws: The Neomedievalism of the Robinhood Stock App.
20.00 - 21.30 break
IARHS Business Meeting
21.30 - 22.30
Epilogue and Close
22.30 - 22.45
Lesley Coote: Why Is Robin Hood Still Relevant?