The Schools of Literature, Media, and Communication and Modern Languages, represented by Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, Dina Khapaeva, and yours truly, would like to extend a heartfelt invitation to all those interested in attending the fall meeting of the Georgia Medievalists' Group this Saturday.
Georgia Medievalists’ Group -- Fall Meeting
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Georgia Institute of Technology – Stephen C. Hall Building
10:00 Fernando Rochaix, Georgia State Univ., “Embodying Resistance: the Iconography of a Colonial Maya ‘Tree of Jesse’”
10:30 Dina Khapaeva, Georgia Tech, “When Putin Plays the Game of Thrones: Neomedievalism in Life and Fiction”
11:00 Kelly Ann Fitzpatrick, Georgia Tech, “Game of Thrones: Neomedievalism and the Myths of Inheritance”
11:30 Kristina Watkins Mormino, Georgia Gwinnett Coll.: “‘Les valeurs que défendait Jeanne d’Arc’: Joan of Arc and the Rebranded French Far Right”
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Bobby Meyer-Lee, Agnes Scott Coll.: “Canterbury Tales E1213-44 and the Voice of the Merchant”
2:00 Graham Johnson, Reinhardt Univ.: “Close Reading versus Pragmatics: Analysis of the Bjarni-Thorstein Duel at the end of The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Struck”
2:30 Jonathan Good, Reinhardt Univ.: “St. George and al-Khidr: A Case of Convergence?”
3:00 David Leinweber, Oxford College of Emory Univ.: Original History Songs