The Year’s Work in Medievalism is seeking applications for the position of Assistant Editor. The selected individual will work alongside the current editors on future issues of the journal, undertaking administrative and editing tasks as needed and directed. While this is not a paid position, it is one that offers considerable insight into and experience with the operations of an academic journal.
Prior experience in the areas of editing and publishing is definitely an asset, as is familiarity with MS software and the Chicago Manual of Style. Candidates for this position should have a strong interest in, and hopefully some prior experience with, researching the reception of medieval culture in post-medieval times.
The average weekly workload for the position varies based on the publishing cycle, but should not exceed 5-7 hours at the busiest periods, and most weeks is considerably less. The appointment will be for an initial two-year period.
Please send a concise "letter of interest" and CV in PDF to Renée Ward (rward@lincoln.ac.uk) and Valerie Johnson (vjohnso6@montevallo.edu). The deadline for applications is November 16, 2018.